2004: Change of Address

With the totally inoperative A/C, the car only saw limited duty
for 2003 and 2004. Our daily commutes of driving our son every morning
before we went to work was taking its toll on my love of driving, and
the crazy driving patterns of my neighborhood were sapping whatever was
left... I just did not feel safe leaving the house!
On some cold fall days in 2003, the GTA did serve to try out
some 'test drives' from a new home development in another totally
different neighborhood. So that's a hint of what's to come later! But for
now, the GTA needed some battery tending to get up and going for 2004.

With the help of my young copilot, we pulled the battery charger off the
car that weekend morning and fired up the car.

Things appeared to have gone well.

And that was one really dirty crusty black car that pulled out of
the garage that morning!

The sharp eye will have noticed the "For Sale" sign on the front lawn!
That's right... we finally got fed up of the neighborhood and the commute and
moved to a new development. Obviously with a whirlwind construction schedule of
3.5 months, there was no time to spend on this car but it did get cleaned up for
its maiden voyage to its new address.

So that Sunday morning, before the Big Move, I tucked the car into its
dedicated location in the new garage. It didn't see much use that hot summer,
with the inoperative A/C, but it did see a few solo outings.