2002: one hot year!

And by HOT year, I mean outdoor-temperature-wise! It was a really hot summer, which meant the GTA (with a failing A/C system) had to take a break for most of the summer months and the WS6 had to take the brunt of most of the summer mileage. Which wasn't so bad: the house didn't have an A/C unit at the time, so it was welcome relief to go out and drive the countryside in comfort.

Initially, my biggest worry with regards to this car was how I was going to manage to incorporate a baby seat into the back area. Turns out my fears were unfounded... the rear seat area fits a baby seat fairly nicely (one has to choose the model carefully) and GM saw fit to install baby seat anchor hooks for free in the hatch area to comply with safety standards. With the almost-rollbar structure of the car's top around him, I'm comfortable that the car is a safe baby hauler (with the added benefit of a great suspension and awesome brakes).

There were some special occasions, too. Like the wedding of a fellow car club member... by the way, the orange tint to the photo is not trickery: this was a result of the air being polluted by forest fires that were raging northwest of us. Very eerie looking skies for those few days.

There was the usual yearly car show that I attended with all three F-bodies, and the customary 3-vehicle shoot in the driveway.

I managed to make the 12-hour trek to Dayton Ohio to witness the Trans Am Nationals event for the first time. That was an awesome drive and an awesome experience, especially the camp-out that occurs at a fellow Pontiac-car-club member's property during that same weekend.

And the last special outing involved a portion of the local F-club's autumn drive through the countryside. All involved had a great time.

With the snow and ice arriving, it was time to say goodbye to 2002 and look forward to 2003.